The weird and the wonderful

Looking for pictures of rare beasts and one-of-a-kinds? Want how-tos and tips so you can look after your own weird and wonderful electrical assets? You've come to the right place.

Putting lithium grease into wheel bearing for ten wheel track by

Why you should grease your motors

It’s a simple question, with a pretty simple answer. If you don’t grease your motors things will go very, very bad. Find out more in this blog.

Supervisor checking preventive maintenance work list

4 KPIs for your preventive maintenance strategy

How can you tell if your preventive maintenance strategy is successful? Learn more about the 4 KPIs that can tell you what’s going right.

Maintenance Engineering on construction site

What is a reactive maintenance strategy?

Reactive maintenance is the kind of “strategy” you use when you want more headaches, higher repair costs, and emergency plant shutdowns.

illustration of a wave pattern from an oscilloscope with a stop hand forming the middle of the wave line

7 ways you can screw up vibration analysis

The best tool in the wrong hands is no tool at all. Find out how you (or your contractor) should be doing vibration analysis and 6 mistakes to avoid.

Factory worker reviewing a report

What is vibration analysis (and why your maintenance program needs it)

You can learn a lot about the health of your equipment by getting to know its vibration patterns. What is vibration analysis and why does it matter? Find out here!

attentive factory worker writing on clipboard in factory

Learn how to keep your industrial motors healthy

There are two methods for keeping your industrial motors healthy; the right way & the wrong way. Our friend Moe Torres learned the hard way which is which. Read on to learn more about Moe, and how preventive maintenance keeps your motors motorin’

jar of nickel anti-seize sitting on top of a compressor motor in a repair shop

3 easy ways to tell if it’s preventive vs. predictive maintenance

When it comes to industrial motors, what’s the difference between preventive and predictive maintenance? Here are 3 easy ways to tell which one you’re doing.


The Swedish sister

This is the second ASEA motor we’ve repaired for a client. Now that the custom-fabricated brushes and holders have arrived, we’ll make her look new again.


This is what happens when you don’t grease your industrial motor

This motor is a perfect example of what happens when you don’t grease according to spec—catastrophic bearing failure due to overheating.


We do explosion-proof motors

A “before” post about a unique low voltage, lower cycle DC motor that’s come into the shop for an overhaul. We don’t do much general duty work and it shows!


Robbing Peter to pay Paul

Three DC motors from the 1950s are in various states of disassembly, with parts from two being used to make a single motor to be returned to the steel mill.


30-inch industrial brake refurbishment

We’re refurbishing this 30″ drum-style industrial brake so we have it on-hand for our heavy industrial clients when they need a new one, fast.

Emergency? Call Now!

If it makes you puke, call Duke.

If it makes you puke, call Duke.

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