The best brands, prices and know-how

We can get you exactly what you’re looking for—just tell us the model and part number. New, refurbished, surplus and custom, we've got it all. But where Duke really excels is in solving the problems no one else can. If it’s giving you a headache, consider us your Aspirin. 

Our partnerships pay off for you

Duke Electric is proud to be a Recognized Regional Master Distributor for WEG and one of six GE Flagship Distributors in Canada. Both are a big deal—for us and for you. Benefits include a huge inventory of in-stock GE and WEG motors and parts, extra-fast delivery of special orders, and prices no one else can offer.

Electric motor

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We have what you need.

Our strong, decades-long relationships with the best manufacturers get us the best prices and service that’s second-to-none. We know where to find what you’re looking for, whether it’s an explosion-proof motor (WEG), North American-made legacy DC product (Baldor), a soft start motor accessory (Benshaw) or a state-of-the-art servo (Allan Bradley or Siemens). And we’re the go-to source for parts, with an excellent on-hand inventory for AC and DC motors and gearboxes.

Old motor got you swearing?

Perhaps a repair is the way to go instead of something new. Use our quick and easy online tool to help you decide if you should repair or replace.


When you needed tomorrow’s tech yesterday.

We offer competitive prices from the leading brands, such as Allen Bradley, Siemens, General Electric, Danfoss and Vacon, for AC and DC drives and motor controls, motion controls, process controls, SCADA systems, HMI and operator interface systems, safety devices, PLCs and I/Os and more. We can help you design your system, offer expert installation and then provide after-install service.

Industrial electronic parts

Need to Store Your Spare?

Try Duke Motor Storage. We offer comprehensive maintenance plans to keep your backup motors in top condition, so they're ready when you need them. 

Emergency? Call Now!

If it makes you puke, call Duke.

If it makes you puke, call Duke.

Certified for safety


Certified for safety


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